Healthy Horses, Happy Owners

New Olympic Arena

An international-level Olympic arena suitable for all weather conditions, irrigated, leveled, and equipped with lighting.

A Journey to Building a Top-Level Olympic Arena

Building the Olympic Arena - Step by Step

Preparing the Olympic arena at Orly Herbst Ranch was an exciting and intricate process that involved several essential stages. Watch the entire process, from planning to finishing, accompanied by photos documenting each step.

First Stage

Substrate Layer

In this stage, a special substrate layer was laid to ensure the stability of the ground and the quality of the Olympic arena. This layer consists of high-quality materials carefully selected to provide perfect support for the riding surfaces and prevent unnecessary wear. The process included precise leveling and the use of advanced technologies to ensure optimal results.

Second Stage

Drainage Layer

The drainage layer is designed to ensure efficient water management in the Olympic arena, preventing water accumulation on the surface. This layer consists of high-permeability materials that allow quick drainage of rainwater and irrigation, keeping the surface dry and safe for riding. The process included the precise spreading of special materials and the application of advanced engineering methods to ensure long-term durability and optimal performance in varying weather conditions.


Third Stage

Corrugated Pipes for Water Drainage

In this stage, advanced corrugated pipes were installed to ensure efficient and quick drainage of rainwater and irrigation. The pipes are installed beneath the surface of the Olympic arena and lead the water to central drainage systems, preventing puddle formation and maintaining a dry and safe riding surface. The pipes were selected for their high durability and excellent drainage capacity, and the installation process was carried out meticulously to ensure optimal functionality.

Fourth Stage

Separation Layer

At this stage, the first separation layer was laid to ensure full separation between the substrate layers and the natural ground. This layer includes unique materials that prevent mixing and seepage of unwanted substances, ensuring long-term stability and optimal performance of the arena. The installation of the separation layer was carried out with great care, using advanced techniques and professional equipment to ensure precision and durability.

Fourth Stage - Continuation

Separation Layer Above the Drainage Layer

After laying the drainage layer, an additional separation layer was laid to maintain proper permeability and prevent mixing between the drainage layer and the upper layers. This layer contains high-quality materials that ensure efficient drainage and structural support for the entire arena. The installation was done precisely, focusing on stability and high-quality control to ensure a durable and safe riding arena.

Fifth Stage

Sand Above the Drainage Layer

In this stage, a high-quality sand layer was laid above the drainage layer, with the sand mixed with special fibers to improve stability and durability. This mixture provides a soft and safe riding surface while allowing optimal drainage and preventing water accumulation. The fibers strengthen the structure and reduce wear, ensuring a durable and high-quality arena for intensive use. The process was carried out with great care, using advanced technologies to achieve the best results.

Sixth Stage

The Fibers

The fibers mixed with the sand are a critical component for improving the performance of the Olympic arena. These fibers were carefully selected for their ability to strengthen the sand structure and provide additional stability to the riding surface. The mixture prevents unwanted sinking and reduces wear, ensuring high durability over time. The fiber mixing process was carried out precisely, using advanced technologies to ensure even and effective distribution of the fibers throughout the arena.

Seventh Stage

Sand Mixed with Fibers

The sand layer mixed with fibers is a critical stage in building the Olympic arena, providing a soft, stable, and safe riding surface. The carefully selected fibers strengthen the sand structure, reduce wear, and prevent unwanted sinking. This special mixture contributes to efficient water drainage and ensures a uniform surface ready for all weather conditions. The mixing and distribution process was carried out using advanced technologies to ensure even distribution and maximum effectiveness of the layer.

The Arena is Ready!

Interested in Training at Our Olympic Arena?

Additional Photos from the Process...

Sport Horse Package

Designed for horses whose owners want to ride and enjoy an Olympic-standard arena suitable for all weather conditions, while allowing their horses to enjoy active and happy free-range living, as close to nature as possible.


In this package, your horse will receive:

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