Tips about how to buy horses

How do you buy a horse and get away with it …?

Hey friends,
When I was 15, my parents bought me my first horse, a 12-year-old horse from France.
This horse came to Israel and we immediately began to win. The connection between us was immediate and we won seven seasons in which we only won and we won. The victories included every possible achievement, my personal confidence in myself rose and, in general, it was a wonderful time!

When I was in France a few years ago I discovered the truth …
It turns out that the horse was 17 when we bought it (they forged my ID and changed the year of birth from 1973 to 1978!) …
It turns out that this charming horse competed with me at 135 when he was 21 …..
But what we did not know did not hurt us and it seemed that he himself had won with me for a few more years of youth …..

From here to the subject of our topic today is how to buy a horse from abroad and get away with it!
I personally cheated, only the horse was perfect for me …
On other occasions I landed a lame horse in Israel ….. and it has already broken me and I stopped riding for several years.
The crooks in this field are many, the honest people are tweezers … so it is important to take precautions as much as possible!

Here is the tip:
How do you buy a horse and get away with it …?

A stranger will not understand this, but for the sake of those who want to invest their best money and purchase a horse,

I’ve made some important tips to get to know.

Of course these tips do not come to replace the professional you take with you and advise you and keep you close so you will not be mistaken …

In general, before you travel abroad, it is best to look for a horse close to you.

You can track his results, his health, you can scribble about him with different people, you can talk directly with his owner and / or his rider, you can try it here and now, you will save expenses related to flights blood tests hotels abroad and more …

Still, you decided to bring?


pay attention!!

1. Ask to see a video of contests

Check to see if the horse has competed continuously … if perhaps there was a “forgotten” injury to tell you about it …

Ask to see the site of the local association – where all the results of the horse will appear … Perhaps he did not compete as the seller claims? Perhaps she did compete but was disqualified …?

2. Ask to speak with the owner directly! The merchant does not know the horse in depth … is there no possibility? Get suspicious …

3. When you try the horse – know that it does not have too much vigor (someone else will come up to you). But – they will not ride before you for a long time and certainly will not jump … You want to feel the horse as natural as possible without the preparation of professionals before you …

4. If you can – surprise! You’ll arrive even when the seller does not know you’re coming! Have you seen a horse for sale? You’ll even come without prior arrangement. This is how you will see the horse in its most natural state …

5. Do you love the horse? Try it in an indoor pool, outdoors, if possible – both in the sand and in the grass (limp …), make it long, ride on it if possible … uh … try it on another farm .. Make him a water barrier … (Yes, there are surprises …) and come up with a coat on the barrier … Look what’s going on …

6. Their love? So it’s time for the veterinarian … Never take a vet that the seller recommends and certainly not that he works with it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! If possible, prepare a list of veterinarians in advance of that area. You can also send photos to your veterinarian in Israel (an excellent invention email!) (And do a favor, ask for a blood sample from the day of the test … the horse might be drugged and you’ll need proof later … horse dealers anyway)

7. If you want to pay a minimum and get the best horse you can – do not go to the dealer, try to find horses from their first owners … How do you do this? It’s easy to do in Israel, or in the country where you live … more difficult in a 4-day visit abroad …

8. Do not find your budget, ask to see horses and get a price for each of them … If you say the budget, the horse worth 15,000 euros will suddenly be presented to you as a horse worth 35,000 …

9. If you are a relatively new rider, it is better for you Master Master, a horse of 9 or older, who is already experienced and will give you his experience …

10. If you feel or hear the phrase “It’s hard now but with training it will work out” – take a step back, this is not the horse for you, preferably a horse on which you feel a chemical from the first moment.

11. Did not you fall in love? Do not buy! (The hardest tip to do …)

12. Better to come with your coach! He knows you and knows how to fit the right horse.

13. If you think the horse is faking or even lame – do not ask questions, get off immediately without even explaining why … There is no point in arguing that the seller will claim that he is not limping, which is, after this light heating improves and so on … Just get off immediately and move on !

14. Ask questions, if there is a girl working in the stable – take her aside and inquire about the horse … How long is he there? Special problems? Why is it for sale? Who usually rides it? How is he in competitions? Does it swallow air? Is it swaying from side to side? Is he limping? Does he have coolies … and more …

15. Sign the seller that if for any reason, during the agreed period of the two of you, the horse reveals problems you did not get while buying (behavioral / health) – you can cancel the deal, return the horse (even if the cost of the flight!), And receive your money Return without questions! And without lawyers and unnecessary sentences!

in brief,

Buying a horse abroad may end with buying a cat in a bag …

So it is better to buy in your country of origin, close to you …

If I go to buy a horse abroad – I do fieldwork before the trip …

In any case, I first examine what is for sale close to me and only then I drive …


For more tips, please visit:

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