Daily tip:
The sensitive, bruised horses, those with traumas … They teach us the most …

Do you know the horses pulling back with the head of the house?
This phenomenon has several causes –
1. The horse is not used to housework (foals, for example)
2. The horse does not like pressure on the ears (all of them, but some agree to understand that when they release forward – the pressure will stop)
3. Learn Trick – Pull Back, Tear – Get Freedom …
4. A horse that tends to panic
5. And much more …

Of course there are ways to solve the problem, as the horse learned so can teach him a new response to the same situation …

But there is another way, which is simply more pleasant to the horse and then also there is no resistance because the horse is just comfortable …

Get to know the horse collar!


If we understand and agree for a moment, that the horse is much stronger than we are … then we will realize that in fact a collar or a home is a similar pressure for him – and his choice whether to cooperate is his net choice in the end.
The collar sits on the horse in such a way that it does not put pressure directly on the ears, and in fact relies on the idea that the horse is an animal that wants, basically to cooperate.

Obviously if you have a horse that did not learn to respect body space, and did not learn to respect in general – then in such a situation it is not recommended to switch to the collar.
But if you just have a sensitive horse and maybe even a coward – the collar will be the perfect solution for him!

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