Daily tip:
Have you heard about the leather coated bit?
And a bit that is all just leather and does not need a riding head you’ve heard ???
A few years ago one of the best jumping female rider in the world competed in the international arena, riding without a bridle…!
Of course it was very curious, and in close-up photography you could see that a horse actually had a bit, and the reins were connected to the bit directly, without its bridle!
Why is it good?
First of all it’s delicate, everything that still makes the horse much less objectionable.
The second thing is the leather-it tastes in a way that horses love to play with.
Third, it is flat, so the pressure it creates on the gums is less spotty and more flat – it also actually works much less pain and therefore the cooperation becomes much higher.
I have not tried myself yet – but it looks promising and I’m going to try!
Anyone have experience with this bit? Or with another interesting bit?
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