Welcome to Orly Herbst!
With over 35 years of experience in the equine industry, including national and international competitive experience in Israel and Europe, I decided to establish and open my own place…
Horses have been a part of my life since I was 12 years old. They helped me and, one could say, even saved me from dropping out of school and remaining a child with low self-esteem. They taught me that it’s worth believing in myself, showed me what a sense of accomplishment feels like, and taught me that if I truly fight for the goals I set for myself, I will succeed. As proof, not only did I finish school, but I also graduated with highest honors…
I am here to share and pass on this great and significant love to you.
Since I owe so much to horses and the tremendous change they brought to my life, I am dedicated to their care and maintenance. I focus on communication with them to keep them happy, healthy, and well-maintained in the best way possible for them.
More about me: