So following yesterday’s daily tip:
Beyond the abdominal anatomy, there are other ways to help you keep your horse from wounds in the abdominal belt area …
What I do (beyond the anatomical belt), I put a sleeve of protection.
I prefer the sheep wool (because it’s natural),
Of course there are also other options – from materials such as Neoprene (the same material used for diving suits), or synthetic wool sleeve and more …
Here is a link to sheep wool sleeve:
You can put it directly on the abdominal belt, or in the case of an abdominal belt that has a thick part in the center and the sleeve can not pass – I just cut it in half and put half on each side, exactly where there is a wound.
Another tip that I do too-I apply Vaseline where I suspect a wound will begin. (If there is a wound, I do not put any equipment at all until it passes completely, even if it takes several weeks!)