Daily Tip:
You know that you’re riding the horse, and he’s against the bit?
It can feel like the horse is locking its mouth,
Or pulling forward and trying to pull the reins out of your hands,
Maybe he just turns his neck,
Or he just shakes his head up …
Now it’s all a matter of perspective.
Many people will interpret the situation as a horse that does not respect the bit and needs one more powerful …
I am always in these situations *** always taking a step back to a more delicate bit.
And the results astonish me every time anew!
So what am I doing?
1. Checks with a veterinarian and makes horse dental care.
2. At the same time, she checks whether the horse has a wolf’s teeth and asks to remove them (the switch knocks on them and it hurts …)
3. Checks if the horse’s fangs are exactly hatching (this young horse is about 4-6 years old) and the switch really hurts them at this time.
4. I examine myself and do I use my aids correctly and pleasantly.
5. Start trying non-iron fine switches.
For example, this bit of NATHE:
This type of bit is much more pleasant for a horse,
From my experience, he solves 90% of the problems related to resistance to the bit …
Of course, all this provided that the rider also knows what to do with the hands … 🙂
Help you – great!
And of course welcome to share – maybe help your friends too …
In addition – you have a problem / question regarding horses, riding, maintenance and more – are invited to write me in detail and would be happy to raise these questions a daily tip later!
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***** Have questions and need a solution? Write to me and I’ll give you a daily tip! *****