Daily tip:
The truth is that this tip should have been written as a first tip … so sorry to our beloved horses that this tip has just arrived …
Let’s talk about an important subject …
In our hot summer this issue is the number one reason for the Colleagues.
Even if your horse is kept in the pasture, and even if it is held in a prestigious stable – the water issue is your horse’s greatest danger.
And I’ll explain.
In most farms, the troughs are connected to black pipes traveling at some height or another until they reach your horse’s trough.
What it actually means:
This plumbing is exposed to strong sun, add to the fact that it is black … and you have received hot water and free!
It was great if you wanted to warm up with a pool …
But your horse does not like it !!!
Then, he tries to drink, gets hot water if not boiling – and he does not drink.
Your horse is drying up – and within two or three days under such conditions (if not less), you get a horse with a colic!
so what are we doing?????
There are several solutions!
1. Ask your horse to put a bucket of 80 liters in a stable full of water.
(The problem is that these waters will not be replaced every day and your horse will stop drinking at the end of the day … or he’s just a naughty horse that will turn the bucket from time to time and your horse will stand in the egg …)
2. Put your horse in a trough with a buoy rather than a trough. Priority to the trough as much as possible!
At my farm, the solution I found is this:
I bought black pails of about 40 liters from construction shops. They are flat fillets so the horses do not turn them over.
I put on a float from iron – just like the one on the link:
In the mornings I turn the fall, and let the buoy refill. (Continues to empty the hot water until the buoy fills cool water like the horses love!)
During the day the plumbing warms up, but the water in Paila remains pleasant, so the problem is solved!
(In addition, the horses drink from the height of the floor, which has other advantages such as extending the neck and back … the closer to nature – the better!)
** Another option is to buy this trough https://goo.gl/tfXG5Q
and hang in the stable of your horse, and every morning ask to empty the trough and check that the water that fills up are cool and pleasant. **
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